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Imagine arriving home in Conwy after a three-day journey that took you to several destinations across the country. By the time you get home, you are thoroughly exhausted and ready for a good night’s rest. Yet at the same time, you know it was good to be out and about seeing new places, meeting new people, and simply enjoying everything the UK has to offer. Does such a scenario interest to you? If so, it can become a reality if you are willing to undergo HGV training in Conwy.

Long-haul HGV and PCV drivers experience the very scenario we just described on a regular basis. They enjoy the adventure and freedom of being employed in an industry that lets them travel and earn a living at the same time. And even if you do not enjoy long distance driving, there are plenty of local and regional jobs available as well. There is a lorry or bus driving job to suit just about every preference.

Our HGV training in Conwy can prepare you for a career as a commercial driver. Training is not limited only to articulated lorries – we train for all sorts of commercial vehicles in the Category B, C, and D licence classes. This includes buses and coaches, heavy construction equipment, tipper trucks, bin lorries, and more.

A Name You Can Trust

You can become a professional HGV or PCV driver without ever stepping foot in the doors of one of our training facilities. Indeed, there are lots of other organisations doing exactly what we do. But the HGV Training Centre is different. Between our proven training approach and our size, we are one of the most respected training companies in the industry. Our name is a name you can trust.

Driving school trucks in Conway

Our company was established by industry professionals with a vision to address the ongoing driver shortage by training as many drivers as we could. Our mission and business model are based on a number of key principles:

  • Quality – It is one thing to put together a training programme and hoping that some of your students will benefit from it. It is entirely different to develop a training programme with purpose, a training programme designed to train the finest drivers in the industry. That kind of training programme requires a commitment to quality. We possess that commitment.
  • Accessibility – Recruiting new drivers into the industry requires making training accessible. In other words, students need training facilities close to where they live and work so that their lives are not totally disrupted during the training process. We have accomplished that through rapid expansion that now includes more than four dozen locations throughout the UK.
  • Accountability – We take great pride in the fact that more than 90% of our students pass their tests on the first try. We have no intention of letting that number slip, so we hold our instructors accountable. If anything, we want to see that 90% get as close to 100% as possible.
  • Support – It is not easy to get a commercial driving licence. If it were, more people would be doing it. The HGV Training Centre is committed to making the process as stress-free as possible. We provide our students with a top-of-the-line support staff that will stand behind them throughout their training programmes.

It is our commitment to students that makes us a favourite option for HGV training in Conwy. Furthermore, our reputation speaks for itself. Listing us as your training provider on job applications enhances your prospects considerably. Employers know the quality of our training, and they respect it.

What You Need to Get Started

If you’ve been thinking about taking HGV training in Conwy, you need only three things to get started. First, you need to possess a willingness to apply yourself to learning and retaining the information you need to pass your tests. The biggest hindrance to any commercial driving training programme is the lack of dedication among students.

The second thing you need is the ability to pass a routine medical exam. You do not have to be a perfect specimen of ideal health, but you do need to be in reasonably good condition. As long as your eyesight is good and you don’t suffer from any conditions that could make you a danger on the road, you should have no problem with the medical exam.

Third, you need a valid Category B licence at a bare minimum. If you are not yet licenced to drive a car, there is no point in beginning HGV or PCV training. Get your car licence first and then contact us about our HGV training in Conwy.

Financing Your Training with Us

You may have noticed that we mentioned nothing about money in discussing the three things you need to get started. This is not because our programmes are free. Rest assured they are not. It is because we can arrange a financing package on all of the courses we offer. Financing is made available through our financial partner, Pay 4 Later.

In a perfect world, it would be great that you could simply withdraw the money from your bank account to pay for your training upfront. But this is far from a perfect world. We have plenty of students who contact us out of a desire to begin training but are worried about not being able to pay for it. When we explain that we can finance their training, they are understandably relieved.

A financing package lets you enrol in training today but pay for your courses in more manageable monthly increments. You do not have to destroy your weekly budget just to obtain a commercial driving licence. Be sure to ask about financing when you contact us for more information about our HGV training in Conwy.

We Have Great References

When you get ready to apply for your first HGV or PCV job, you will likely be asked for references. This is a standard part of the job application process. Likewise, we have some good references we can offer on our behalf. For example, we are proud members in good standing of the Freight Transport Association (FTA). The FTA is one of the most prominent industry trade groups and a very important voice in advocating for the haulage and transport industries.

Additional references include The Logistics Guild and the Joint Approvals Unit for Periodic Training (JAUPT). If you take a look at the bottom of any page on this website, you will see the Driver CPC logo with an approved licence number underneath. The logo and number certify that we are JAUPT-approved providers of CPC training.

They say you can tell a lot about a person by the company he/she keeps. We believe that principle extends to business. We keep company with the most reputable trade organisations in the logistics industry because we share the same values, goals, and vision. We believe our references are yet another indication that the HGV Training Centre is a name you can trust.

No Need to Delay

We have presented you with strong evidence that the HGV Training Centre is your best bet for HGV training in Conwy. Now the decision rests in your hands. You will ultimately decide who you receive training from, if you decide to train at all. We do hope you will decide to move forward with your plan to train to be a professional driver. Professional driving is an excellent career choice that offers very good pay, job stability, and a number of other benefits.

If you are ready, your HGV training in Conwy can begin with the next class forming at your local training centre. When you contact us for more information, we will provide all the details regarding class schedules, locations, pricing, and process. We are standing by to help get you started on the road to a long and rewarding career as a professional driver.

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


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