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1. Interpretation & Definitions of Contract Terms

a. Your booking is covered by The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013.

b. When we use the words “writing” or “written” in these Conditions. this will include e-mail, letters and SMS unless we expressly say otherwise;

c. ‘Booking Confirmation’ means the programme of training and any Additional Services as set out in the Trainee’s booking confirmation email.

d. ‘Programme’ means the training and instructional services provided by as set out in the Booking Confirmation;

e. ‘we’ or ‘us· or ‘our’ means HGV Training Services Limited t/a HGVT incorporated and registered in England and Wales under company number 09820295 whose registered office is at 101 New Cavendish Street London W1W 6XH. HGVT.co.uk is a registered trading name of HGV Training Services Limited t/a HGVT.

f. ‘Trainee’ or ‘you’ means the person or firm with whom the Contract is made, and your personal representatives, successors or permitted assigns (as applicable): and

g. ‘Working day’ means a day (other than a Saturday. Sunday or UK public holiday) when banks in London are open for business.

h. These Conditions will become binding on you and us when we confirm to you in writing that we accept your booking. We will do this by sending you a Welcome Pack which includes a copy of our terms. by registered post or by e-mail. at which point and on which date a Contract will come into existence between you and us.

i. You may cancel the Contract in accordance with your legal rights and other rights to do so as set out in clause 8, to the extent applicable. We may cancel the Contract in accordance with clause 7.

j. Each of the clauses of these Conditions operates separately. If any court or relevant authority decides that any of them are unlawful or unenforceable the remaining clauses will remain in full force and effect.

k. We may transfer our rights and obligations under the Contract to another person and we will always notify you in writing if this happens. but this will not affect your rights or our obligations under these Conditions.

l. You may only transfer your rights or your obligations under the Contract to another person if we agree in writing.
m. This Contract is between you and us. No other person will have any rights to enforce
any of its terms.

n. The Contract and any dispute or claim arising out of or connection with it or its subject matter or formation (including non-contractual disputes or claims) will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

2. Contacting Us

Your booking is made with HGV Training Services Limited t/a HGVT and our contact details are below should you need to get in touch.
HGV Training Services Limited t/a HGVT,
Unit 5, Apollo Studios,
Charlton Kings Road
London NW5 2SB
Tel: 0330 828 3333
Email: customerservice@hgvt.co.uk

3. Training Timelines

a. Theory Training (Module 1 & 2)
Your online training software is valid for 90 days. You are required to book your tests for both module l and 2 within 90 days. See 3.d if you require an extension.

b. Practical Training
(For Cat C1 only, Cat C only, C+E only), you should book all of the elements (theory test and practical) within 180 days of starting the programme and complete your training within this timeframe. If you have purchased 2 practical elements e.g. Cat C and Cat C+E (Back to Back) or a Direct course to the C+E, you must complete all training in 6 months.

3a and 3b tests: The driving tests are completed in two parts. You need to pass the 3a test before you can attempt the 3b test. Both the 3a and 3b tests are booked and confirmed on or before the first day of training with the DVSA. Should you fail the 3a test, the 3b test will be forfeited by you and you will receive training instead. The exception is if a retest is passed within the course, before your 3b takes place (fees may be applicable). You must bring your 3a pass certificate to your 3b driving test. You are required to pass the 3b test within 6 months of getting your 3a certificate. If you do not, you will need to pass part 3a again and fees will be applicable.

c. Classroom Training (Periodic CPC. ADR)
If you have purchased classroom training, you must book your training within 180 days of starting your programme and complete your training within this time frame.

d. Extensions
If you require more time to complete your training, you must request this in writing to customerservice@hgvt.co.uk and request our agreement in writing. We reserve the right to charge a fee for extending the time period in which you agree to complete training.

e. Incomplete Training If you do not complete your training within the periods stated and have been given a reasonable opportunity to do so, and we do not agree to extend it, you will not be entitled to any refunds.

f. Incomplete Training
If training has not been booked within 6 months of initial transaction the training course will become null and void with no refund owed.

g. Missed Training due to Illness
Any training or test missed due to the trainee’s personal circumstances such as traffic or illness will not be reallocated. This will be forfeited and a trainee will need to purchase training/test. In the event of training being cancelled due to any unforeseen circumstances, for example, bad weather or strikes, we are not liable for any costs you have incurred including without limitation to: loss of pay, your transport costs and the like. Candidates are responsible for taking out a relevant insurance policy which will protect them in the event that they are unable to attend training or tests booked for them for any reason. We are not liable for any costs.

h. COVID 19
Whilst we will do our utmost to ensure your training course sticks as closely as possible to the timelines described above, timings will change if the effects of Covid-19 continue to disrupt training and testing. If courses or tests are postponed or cancelled due to Covid-19 restrictions, any delays arising from this will be added to your timeline. We will not refund any booking that is cancelled or delayed due to the virus, but will rebook your delayed training and/or test at the earliest opportunity.

4. Personal information

a. We only use your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy as detailed on our website. Please take the time to read this policy, as it includes important terms which apply to you.

5. Minimum Age

a. You may only purchase a training programme if you are at least 18 years old.

6. Our Responsibilities

a. We will arrange (Phone, Email or SMS) your programme and agree dates for each element with you. We will confirm your booking details for each element of your Programme in writing by email and/or SMS. Once your programme is confirmed there are no changes permitted. If you need to amend or cancel your training dates. you will not be entitled to any refund.

b. Practical Training is delivered between 6am and 6pm on working days and your confirmation will specify the exact times confirmed for your program. We may, on occasion have to make changes to the programme. including to the dates and times of appointments. lessons and test appointments. after the original confirmation. Such alterations to the Programme will be treated as part of the Programme. The Trainee acknowledges and accepts that their Programme details may vary.

c. Practical Training is carried out in either manual or automatic vehicle. If you have not specified a preference our team will book you in the next available vehicle. Modules that cover changing gears will not be delivered on auto vehicles.

d. Your practical training will either take place on a ‘two to one’ basis or a ‘one to one’ basis.
This means you may be sharing the cab with another trainee for some or all of your training course. Course hours will consist of up to 16hrs “behind the wheel” tuition, with your test time included in this.

e. Each element of training is tested by the relevant assessment agency, e.g. DVSA. RTITB, ITSAAR. We are obliged to book your tests but we do not offer any guarantee that you will pass the test. Any complaints about examiners must be made to the relevant agency.

f. We will not be liable or responsible for an event outside of our control. Where the Event outside our control affects the Programme we will resume the Programme as soon as reasonably possible.

g. In the event of mechanical breakdowns or defects, we will provide a replacement course at a later date or alternative location with a substitute vehicle. We agree to provide additional training to the extent of time lost by the Trainee. In the event of a test not proceeding in whole or in part as a result of the defects in a vehicle, a further test will be booked by us at no charge to the Trainee.

7. Your Responsibilities

a. The Trainee warrants. represents and undertakes that his eyesight meets the standard required, he is in good health free from any mental or physical disability, he has a current and valid driving licence for the relevant vehicle. he does not have any criminal conviction or other legal impediment preventing him from being in control of a motor vehicle on the public highway and that there is no prosecution or other action pending in this respect.

b. We reserve the right, without notice to, or. the consent of the trainee to cancel all or any remaining part of the Trainee’s Programme and, where applicable, his test, should the Trainee insist, demand or otherwise show an intention to take his test before he is ready. In the event of the cancellation by us of the Contract in this circumstance, we will not be obliged to refund any monies paid for that part of the programme.

c. The Trainee will cooperate with us in all matters relating to the Programme and will provide such information and materials as the we may reasonably require in order to supply the programme.

d. The Trainee will be responsible for, on a daily basis, to confirm their start and finish time for the following day with their instructor. In the event of the Trainee failing to attend for the whole or part of the Programme, you will not be entitled to any refund. Unless we have been notified in writing of any specific unavailability at the time of booking, the Trainee will be available between the hours of 6am and 6pm on working days during training

e. The Trainee undertakes that at all time to have in force a current and valid driving licence and to have such original driving licence and national insurance number in his possession at all times whilst attending for all training and tests. The Trainee will obtain and maintain all necessary other permissions and consents which may be required before commencement of the Programme outlined in the booking confirmation.

f. Driving Licence and Certificates The customer will need to provide their Original Photo Driving Licence to all training booked as well as Module 1 Theory/Hazard/Module 2 test pass certificates and Module 3a pass certificate (if appropriate to their course) to the training at the commencement of the driver training course and/or driving test and for the duration of the training course/test. Failure to produce these documents may result in a training course being forfeited and fees lost.

g. The Trainee undertakes at all times to be punctual and diligent in fulfilling his tasks and duties under the Programme and in completing the administration tasks for which he will be responsible prior to the commencement of or during the Programme. as required.

h. The Trainee undertakes not to consume any alcohol or drugs or other intoxicating substances at any time during his attendance at the Programme and not to arrive at the School or at any other premises for completion of the Programme for instruction under the influence of alcohol or drugs or any other intoxicating substance.

i. The Trainee agrees to behave in a reasonable manner and failure to do so may result in your immediate exclusion from the Programme. We may cancel the Contract at any time with immediate effect and without refunds by giving you written notice if you abuse. threaten or intimidate any member of staff providing or organizing your training.

j. Trainees are advised against working during their practical training and make themselves fully available on the course. If a Trainee shows any signs of exhaustion or tiredness and are too tired to safely continue to drive; we, your instructor or your examiner reserve the right to terminate training until the Trainee is fit and safe to drive. Any training or tests missed will be forfeited and will not be refunded.

8. Your right to cancel the contract

a. Cancellations within 14 Days.
Your booking is covered by The Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 which entitles you to cancel this contract within 14 days if you decide to change your mind, and obtain a full refund. This is also referred to as the “cooling off Period”. If we agree to start your programme within the cooling off period, you will be asked to confirm in writing that you have waived your rights to cancel. Where we have booked your Programme during the Cooling Off Period, on your express instruction to us to do so. your cancellation rights will be waived and you will be subject to our normal cancellation terms.

b. Cancellations after 14 Days
No cancellations are permitted after 14 days with the following exceptions:
c. If you advise our customer services team within the first 180 days of a DVLA Medical Failure or a DVLA Revoked Licence, please see below:

c.1. DVLA Medical Failures
If you have received a letter from the DVLA to say that you have failed the driver’s medical or are otherwise (medically), unable to complete the course, you will receive a full refund for the unused elements of your course. We will require a copy of the DVLA’s letter confirming a medical failure before we can issue any refund due.

c.2. DVLA Revoked Licence
If your licence is revoked by the DVLA (e.g. for a motoring conviction) and you cannot complete the programme. We will cancel any outstanding elements of training and place your course booking on hold, until such time as your licence is re-issued by the DVLA. We will require a copy of the DVLA’s letter confirming the revoked licence before we can issue any refund due.

c.3. Imprisoned
If you are imprisoned and cannot complete the programme. We will cancel any outstanding elements of training and refund you for any elements that have not been booked or completed. We will require a copy of the court’s letter/prison sentence letter.

9. Complaints

a. Complaint about a Training Course
Any complaints or issues about the practical driving course should be directed to our customer service team in writing and sent to customerservice@hgvt.co.uk. All correspondence must be received within 10 days of the incident.

              Version: V111024

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


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