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COURSE IN Denbighshire

Agriculture, light industrial, tourism, and the service sector are at the heart of Denbighshire’s economy. As diverse as the sectors might be, they all rely on HGV and PCV drivers to provide transport of cargo and passengers. Agricultural operations move products in and out of the area, as do light industrial companies. The tourism and service sectors rely heavily on public transport to do what they do. It should be obvious that HGV training in Denbighshire is necessary to keep the lorries and buses moving.

The HGV Training Centre is happy to be able to provide HGV training Denbighshire. Our Denbighshire location is just one of more than four dozen locations we maintain around the UK. We are the largest provider of commercial driver training because we care about our students. Our number one goal is to successfully train drivers so they can get their commercial driving licences and get to work.

Why undergo HGV training? Consider the following:

  • Licenced drivers are currently in high demand
  • The haulage and transport industries are short tens of thousands of drivers
  • Professional driving offers competitive pay and job security
  • Driver training can be completed in of a fraction of the time it takes to get a university degree.

HGV training in Denbighshire is your ticket to a rewarding career as a professional driver. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will be ready to start looking for that first job. The HGV Training Centre is here to help.

Ralph enjoys receiving his HGV training in Denbigshire

It’s All about People

Here at the HGV Training Centre, it’s all about people. Our business is built around people who want a rewarding career that doesn’t require 2 to 4 years of university training just to get started. It is about people who need and want jobs. It is about people who are depending on us to give them the knowledge and skills they need to get a commercial driving licence.

Our commitment to people is that which has shaped our business model over the years. For example, we understand that the average person learns more naturally when information is presented in small, bite-size chunks. Just look at a child attempting to learn maths. We would never put a child into an excruciatingly long class and throw everything at him or her all at once. Rather, we teach that child one concept at a time.

Our HGV training in Denbighshire is built on the same principle. Students are presented information in a fast-paced and intense learning environment that builds one concept on the next. We go in short bursts in order to take advantage of short-term memory, which further enables students to connect the various concepts they are learning. This connection results in comprehension, retention, and eventual recall.

In and out Quickly

Our fast-paced and intense training model puts us in a perfect position to get students in and out quickly. When you train with us, you will not be sitting in a classroom for months on end. The average driver who learns quickly and is committed can complete training in just a few weeks. The student is not spending unnecessary time in the classroom when he or she should be out looking for work.

If you are concerned that our training approach might compromise the integrity of our training programme, there’s no need to worry. Just look at our first-time pass rates for HGV testing. Where the national average is about 55%, our students pass their tests on the first try at a rate that is consistently above 90%. It is all due to the fact that we teach drivers using a process that takes advantage of how the brain naturally learns.

Perhaps you are in a situation where you desperately need a job. Even though the economy is slowly coming back, you may be one of the hundreds of thousands who have not yet recovered. Or perhaps you are a young person trying to figure out what your eventual career will look like. In either case, undergoing HGV training in Denbighshire opens the door to a whole world of possibilities. In less time than it takes to prepare for most other careers, you could have your commercial driving licence in hand and be ready to begin applying for jobs.

What You Will Learn During Training

A successful training company is one that prepares students to take and pass all of the tests required to get a commercial driving licence. There are now four tests that drivers must take: the theory test, case studies tests, driving skills tests, and practical demonstration test. All are necessary in order to be qualified under Driver CPC regulations.

Our HGV training in Denbighshire prepares students for each of these tests individually. Drivers learn:

  • Driving Theory – There is a body of knowledge above and beyond what you learned to drive a car that is needed to drive an HGV safely. Some of this knowledge is tested during the HGV theory exam while the rest does not come into play until later on in the testing process. We focus on driving theory in our classroom training.
  • Practical Skills – Professional drivers are required to possess a particular set of skills apart from actually driving. For example, the driver must know how to conduct a proper walkaround safety check prior to departure. We teach students how it. Other practical skills include maintaining log books, loading and securing cargo properly, and coupling/uncoupling trailers.
  • Driving Skills – No HGV driver training programme would be complete without training in driving skills. It is not easy to safely handle an HGV in traffic, let alone trying to back a trailer up to a loading dock. Our driving skills training puts drivers behind the wheel of a late model vehicle commensurate with what is now being used in the industry.

When you train with us, you will learn all of these things with the assistance of experienced trainers who have spent time as professional drivers themselves. You will also receive the help and support of our administrative staff who are always present to assist you in whatever way they can.

If you find yourself struggling at any point during training, you need only ask for help. Administrative issues, such as booking tests and completing paperwork, can be handled by our support staff. Instructors can address struggles with the training content. Rest assured that our instructors are trained to offer extra help and support to any student who needs it.

How to Get Your Training Started

Getting your training started is not a complicated process at all. Simply contact us on our freephone number or through the website. We will connect you with a training specialist who can explain the entire process and answer any questions you might have. Should you decide to proceed, the first step is to get an HGV medical exam and apply for your provisional entitlement.

The medical exam is intended to ensure you are in reasonably good health. You do not have to be perfectly healthy, but you at least need to have good eyesight and be free of any physical conditions that could impair your abilities as a driver – this includes drug and alcohol abuse.

At the same time you are scheduling your medical exam you can complete the provisional entitlement application and send it off to the DVLA. We can assist you with the paperwork if you are having trouble with it. While you wait for your provisional entitlement to arrive in the post, you can begin preparing to take your HGV theory test.

Passing the theory test allows you to go on and finish your training. The entire process takes only a few weeks for most drivers who go through our programmes. If you need more time, that’s fine as well.

HGV training in Denbighshire can prepare you for an exciting career as an HGV driver. Whether you’re just starting out or you just need a change, professional driver training could be just what you are looking for.

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


We are open Monday-Thursday 9am to 6pm and Friday 9am to 5:30pm

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