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COURSE IN East Dunbartonshire

East Dunbartonshire is one of Scotland’s 32 council areas and home to many of the commuter towns and villages north-west of the city of Glasgow. As a local resident of East Dunbartonshire, you are fully aware of how busy the region is. Glasgow’s strong economy offers plenty of opportunity for tertiary businesses in the area to provide support for shipbuilding, manufacturing, life sciences, technology, and financial services.

At the heart of the regional economy is a strong and reliable logistics sector that provides passenger transport and the cargo services that bring consumer goods in and supply businesses with raw materials, manufacturing supplies, etc. East Dunbartonshire would not be the same economically without the services provided by professional drivers. You can join their ranks if you are looking for a career with competitive pay and excellent stability.

Very few people know just how important professional drivers are to the economy as a whole. Consider this: approximately 70% of all the cargo transported across the UK is carried on the back of a lorry at some point. Likewise, the vast majority of Scotland’s residents utilise public and private transport services at some point in their lives. Haulage and transport companies provide valuable services that are truly the engine driving our national economy.

Hopefully, we have piqued your interest in professional driving careers. If so, we want you to know that we offer PCV and HGV training in East Dunbartonshire. Our local training facilities are part of a larger network consisting of more than four dozen centres all across the UK. We put hundreds of drivers through our training programmes every single month. Indeed, we are the largest provider of professional driver training in the country.White lorry cab during HGV training in Dunbartonshire

Teaching You to Be a Professional

Some people like to describe the services we provide as driving lessons. We prefer to say that we teach our students to be professional drivers inasmuch as there is more to training than the driving lessons you took it to get your car licence. There is quite a bit more to learn. For example, we cover an extensive list of topics, broken down into three primary categories:

  • Driving Theory – There is a lot to learn about driving commercial vehicles from a theoretical perspective. Driving theory includes things such as road safety knowledge, driving physics, how weather affects performance, and rules and regulations relating to commercial driving operations.
  • Practical Skills – CPC requirements mandate that every professional driver possesses a particular set of skills relating to what is known as the CPC syllabus. We train students in those skills so that they are prepared to pass the required practical demonstration test.
  • Driving Skills – This is the portion of training everyone thinks of when HGV driving lessons are mentioned. It is training that teaches students the physical skills they need to safely operate commercial vehicles. It covers things like reversing manoeuvres, proper gear shifting, controlled stops, and cornering manoeuvres.

Preparing for Your Tests

Everything learned in our training programme is subject to a series of four exams that students must take and pass to get their licences. The first test is the HGV theory test, a two-part exam involving multiple-choice questions and videos. It is a computer-based exam that students can take in two separate sessions or a single session. Both parts of the exam must be passed within a two-year period in order to be valid.

The other three tests in the regimen are the case studies test, driving skills test, and practical demonstration test. Rest assured that we will prepare you to approach these tests with full confidence that you will pass. By the time you finish your training, you will most certainly possess the knowledge and skills to get the job done at the first attempt.

As a matter of reference, the average pass rate for the LGV practical test hovers around 55% across the UK. Our students do much better. When you consider all of the students in all of our training programmes, we boast an impressive first-time pass rate in excess of 90%. You can count on us for quality training that gets results.

Training Quickly and Conveniently

When our company was first established, it was on the principle that our founders could contribute to alleviating the ongoing driver shortage by recruiting and training as many new drivers as possible. Furthermore, it was decided that we would develop a training programme that would enable a relatively quick turnaround without compromising the quality of instruction. We believe we have accomplished just that. Our HGV training in East Dunbartonshire can be completed in a matter of weeks rather than months or years.

How do we do it and still accomplish such a high first-time pass rate? Through a training approach that takes advantage of how people naturally learn. Allow us to explain.

Our training approach has been described as ‘fast-paced and intense’. We are fine with that description. Training is fast-paced in the sense that we do not overstress our students with hours-long lectures that overwhelm them with so much information that they cannot keep up. We go quickly, but we present information in bite-sized chunks.

Training is intense inasmuch as we do not slow down and take week-long breaks in between modules. We hit one topic after the next in quick succession. By the way, this is with purpose. We have discovered that keeping up the intensity level takes advantage of short-term memory and enables our students to learn, understand, and remember more easily. All of that pays off at testing time.

If this does not make sense to you, think of it in terms of watching a football game. A slow-paced match without much intensity is a boring match that is quickly forgotten as soon as it’s over. But a fast-paced match overflowing with intensity is just the opposite. You will remember key points in the match for a long time because of the intensity level. Our training is built on the same principle. We impart knowledge in a way that causes our students to remember it.

One last thing we want you to know before we conclude is the fact that our training is convenient. As we said earlier, our HGV training in East Dunbartonshire is just one part of a much larger training network covering the entire UK. Over the years, we have purposely pursued an aggressive expansion strategy in order to make training as accessible as possible to as many people as we can. The more training locations we can open the more people we can train to become professional drivers.

Training for Individuals and Companies Drivers

Our primary customer base at the HGV Training Centre are the individual drivers looking to get their first commercial driving licences. But we also train company drivers as well. If you are company owner or fleet manager, we can customise any training programme capable of meeting your specific needs. Customised training can include initial training for unlicensed drivers, remedial training for your fleet, and ongoing CPC training designed to keep your drivers current.

The HGV Training Centre is a member in good standing of the Freight Transport Association and the Logistics Guild, as well as JAUPT-approved to conduct Driver CPC training. You will find the logos of all three organisations, as well as our JAUPT licence number, at the bottom of every page here on our website. We believe these affiliations are a testament to the quality of training we provide.

Our HGV training in East Dunbartonshire always has space for new drivers. If you are looking to get your commercial driving licence in order to become a professional, we want to speak with you. Let’s get you enrolled in a class and on your way to a promising career as a lorry or bus driver.

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


We are open Monday-Thursday 9am to 6pm and Friday 9am to 5:30pm

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