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COURSE IN Gloucestershire

Choosing a training provider to teach you how to drive an HGV or PCV is no different from choosing a law school if you want to be trained as a lawyer. The key is to find a training provider that makes it possible for you to learn everything you need to know to prepare you for your exams in the shortest time possible. Our HGV training in Gloucestershire is the obvious choice for drivers who want to pursue careers as professionals.

Why become a professional lorry or coach driver? Just take a look around your community and you will understand why. Roughly 70% of all consumer goods and other freight transported in and through the UK is transported using a commercial vehicle of some sort. Of course, public transport is also a reality. The vast majority of us will utilise a bus or coach at least once or twice in our lifetimes – many urban dwellers use public transport on a daily basis.

Whether in Gloucestershire or any other part of the UK, the haulage and transport industries affect almost every part of our lives. Without commercial vehicles, we would not have the capacity to transport the volume of people and freight we do every single day. That is why you should consider HGV training in Gloucestershire. Training to become a professional driver will put you on a career path with unparalleled job stability.

The haulage and transport industries are currently short tens of thousands of drivers. Things are only expected to get worse in the next few years as the economy expands and older drivers begin retiring. Know this: any professional driver who follows the law and meets his or her employer's expectations will never have to worry about being out of work.

We Train to the Tests

Here at the HGV Training Centre, we are not shy about saying that we train to tests. There are four separate tests all new drivers must take and pass in order to get a commercial driving licence. And since our goal is to bring as many drivers as we can into the industry, it would make no sense to train any other way. Our number one goal is to ensure each and every student who passes through our door learns and retains all of the information necessary to successfully complete his or her tests at the very first attempt.

You can be confident about the training you receive from our company based on our test performance rates. More than 90% of our drivers across all training programmes pass their tests on the first try. By comparison, consider the nationwide pass rate for the LGV test. Most years it averages about 55% or so. That is quite a difference. So why train with anyone else when our students enjoy so much success?

The four tests every new driver must pass are the theory, case studies, practical demonstration, and driving skills tests. Each one is taken at a different point during your training. Along the way, we will teach you everything you need to know using a fast-paced and intense training approach that has proven successful. Our training approach maximises short-term memory by building one concept upon another in quick succession. Utilising this approach:

  • improves comprehension;
  • increases retention; and
  • improves recall.

Our students learn in a way that takes advantage of how the brain naturally absorbs and processes information. By teaching this way, we are not only preparing our students to take their exams but we are also preparing them to approach their exams with the utmost confidence. An obvious added benefit is that confident students test better.

What We Teach

It may not be enough for you to know only that we train to the tests. Fair enough. So what will you actually learn through our HGV training in Gloucestershire? All of the topics we cover come under one of the following three classifications:

  • Driving Theory – There are a lot of things pertaining to professional driving that need to be learned in the classroom. As just one example, the size and weight of lorries and other commercial vehicles make them much harder to control in inclement weather. Part of driving theory are the concepts necessary to understand how weather affects vehicle handling.
  • Practical Skills – There is a certain set of practical skills a driver must prove mastery of in order to get a licence. The walkaround vehicle inspection is but one of them. We teach drivers how to conduct inspections in a way that is both thorough and in compliance with the law. In fact, we teach all the practical skills outlined in the Driver CPC syllabus.
  • Driving Skills – The kind of training everyone thinks about is the driving skills training that actually teaches you how to operate commercial vehicles. This training is done using late-model vehicles and instructors who have real world experience as professional drivers themselves.

As a student of our HGV training in Gloucestershire, you will soon realise that there is more to professional driving than merely sitting in a seat, pressing down on the accelerator, and adjusting a steering wheel. There is a lot of skill and knowledge that goes into driving safely. Indeed, next time someone tells you that driving a lorry or coach is a job anyone can do, don't believe it. Professional driving requires a very particular skill set along with quite a bit of knowledge and experience very few people possess.

You Can Trust Our Reputation

We urge you to consider all of your options for HGV training in Gloucestershire. When all is said and done, we believe you will undoubtedly find our training superior. Furthermore, you can trust our reputation. The HGV Training Centre is the largest provider of commercial driver training in the UK due to our reputation of being 100% committed to our students. A lot of companies do what we do; none of them do it as well or as thoroughly as the HGV Training Centre.

You will be pleased to know that the HGV Training Centre is a member in good standing of the Freight Transport Association (FTA) and the Logistics Guild. JAUPT also licences us as an authorised provider of Driver CPC training. None of these affiliations is merely symbolic; all are crucial to both our company and the industry as a whole.

Take the FTA as an example. They are one of the leading voices in the logistics industry, representing companies across the entire spectrum of the haulage sector. Being a member of this important organisation requires us to adhere to industry-leading standards set by the FTA. We are proud to be able to include their official logo here on our website.

The Logistics Guild is an advocacy organisation for professional drivers and operators. They are vital to the protection of those who work in haulage and transport, acting as a voice for the individuals whose hard work and dedication ensure that logistics work. Being a member of the Guild demonstrates our unwavering support for professional drivers.

Lastly, JAUPT is the government-approved accrediting agency for professional training companies. The fact that they licence us as a Driver CPC training provider demonstrates that our training courses meet all of the requirements set forth by law. You can find our licence number along with the JAUPT logo at the bottom of any page on our site.

In short, our reputation speaks for itself. We have a proven track record of student success combined with industry associations to demonstrate that we do things right. If you have been considering HGV training in Gloucestershire, we sincerely believe our company offers you the best possible opportunity. Please do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our training programmes.

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


We are open Monday-Thursday 9am to 6pm and Friday 9am to 5:30pm

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