HGVT has the largest network of training centres in the UK.
Our network ensures that 95% of the UK population is never more that one hour away from one of our centres.
Nottinghamshire is a region of England built on manufacturing and the coal industry. But like so many other areas of the country, the county fell on hard economic times when the industries of old began to dry up and fade away. The Nottinghamshire of the 21st century is decidedly different to what residents knew just 50 years ago. Employment is but one example.
Perhaps you are visiting our website today because you’re intrigued by the possibility of becoming an HGV driver. If so, we have good news: our HGV training in Nottinghamshire is accepting new students all the time. Even more importantly, training with us is fast, convenient, and reasonably affordable. Just call us on our freephone number to get all of the details. We can have you ready to get to work in a matter of weeks.
You should know right from the start that the HGV Training Centre was originally established for the primary purpose of helping as many new drivers as possible break into to the haulage and transport industries. Both industries are in the midst of a severe driver shortage that could take years to overcome. Anyone with a commercial driving licence and a willingness to work hard can find long-term and stable work as a driver.
Our question to you is this: what are you looking for? If you are hoping to find a job that will pay the bills, then HGV driving could be the answer. Starting pay for new drivers averages between £18,000 and £22,000 annually. That’s not bad for not having gone to university and completing a four-year degree programme. What’s more, you could earn up to £35,000 with time and experience under your belt, or go even higher by obtaining one of the specialised certificates needed to transport certain kinds of cargo.
Competitive pay is just one of the many rewards of professional driving. Consider these as well:
One last reward of professional driving is a bit more intangible. It is the reward of knowing that the services you provide are a vital part of the UK economy we could not do without. If it were not for a strong logistics sector transporting cargo and people all across the British Isles, our citizens would not enjoy the kind of lifestyle we experience on a daily basis. We all owe a debt of gratitude to the professional drivers who make it all work.
Hopefully, we have piqued your interest in professional driving as a career choice. If so, we want to explain why we believe you should choose us for HGV training in Nottinghamshire. You have other training companies to choose from; we understand that. But we believe the training and environment we offer are the best you can get.
To start with, we have developed a fast-paced and intense training approach designed to save you money and get you through training as quickly as possible – without compromising quality. Our students do not spend 6 to 12 months learning things they can learn in a matter of weeks. They do not spend hour after long hour listening to lectures while fighting to stay mentally attuned.
Our students learn what they need to learn to pass the required tests; nothing more, nothing less. Furthermore, they learn in an environment that is conducive to quick mastery. The approach we have developed relies on incremental learning, presenting concepts in quick succession. We move quickly in order to take advantage of short-term memory for the purposes of maximising test results. Yes, it is fast-paced. But our training does yield positive results.
You should also consider our HGV training in Nottinghamshire for the following reasons:
We have given you half-a-dozen reasons to consider us as your training partner. We could give you more, but you get the point. Everything we do is directed at making sure our students succeed in their pursuit of a commercial driver licence and a professional driving career. We do what we do for two reasons: we believe in the value of a strong logistics sector AND we know that we only succeed when our students succeed.
If you have any questions about HGV training in Nottinghamshire, you need only contact us on our freephone number. Between now and the time training begins, we would encourage you to educate yourself about the four tests required to get a commercial driving licence. They are the theory, case studies, driving skills and practical demonstration tests. We will prepare you to pass each one on the first try.
Your pursuit of a professional driving career starts by contacting us. Are you ready to make it happen?
HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.
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