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The Powys region of Wales holds a lot of secrets that many people don’t know about. For example, the Ogof Agen Allwedd cave system is among the longest cave systems in Wales, stretching for some 20 miles. Along with multiple additional cave systems, Powys is also known for its ancient castles, its beautiful reservoirs and waterfalls, and enough walking paths to keep you moving for a while.

Here’s another hidden secret you might not know about: our HGV training in Powys. That’s right, we operate a local training centre as part of our UK-wide network of more than four dozen training schools for professional drivers. We train hundreds of drivers every month in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

As someone considering a career as a professional driver, we can train you to get the appropriate licence for either HGVs or PCVs. If you are already licenced, please note that the HGV Training Centre is a JAUPT-approved provider of Driver CPC training. We can provide you with the 35 hours of additional training you need to keep your CPC qualification card current.

The HGV Training Centre is proud to be the largest provider of commercial driver training in the UK. We train both individual and company drivers, providing high-quality combined with convenience and affordability. If you need any kind of commercial driver training, you can find it at one of our facilities.

Requirements for a Commercial Licence

There’s a terrible misunderstanding within our culture that dictates that anyone who wants to can drive an HGV for a living. That is certainly not true. First of all, one needs to possess a commercial driving licence in order to operate articulated lorries, buses and coaches, etc. Second, there are very specific requirements for getting the necessary licence. If it were so easy that anyone could do it, the logistics industry would not be short tens of thousands of drivers right now.

Powys lorry driving instruction

Here are the requirements for obtaining a commercial driver licence:

  • Health – The law requires professional drivers to be in reasonably good health. All new drivers must undergo a medical exam that looks at a long list of things from eyesight to alcohol and drug abuse. Already-licenced drivers must undergo annual exams to make sure their health is still good.
  • Provisional Entitlement – Just like you needed a provisional entitlement in order to train for your car licence, you will need an additional entitlement to train for your Category C or D licence. Getting the entitlement is relatively straightforward: you complete the paperwork and submit it to the DVLA along with your supporting documentation.
  • Training – There is more to driving commercial vehicles than just learning to use an accelerator and steering wheel. Therefore, you need training to learn the knowledge and skills necessary to pass the various tests associated with the CPC mandate. Our HGV training in Powys equips students with that knowledge and the required skill set.
  • Testing – Finally, there are a series of four tests drivers must take and pass in order to get their driving licences. Those tests are the theory, case studies, driving skills, and practical demonstration tests. We book tests on behalf of our students according to their training schedules.

Drivers who successfully meet all four requirements are eligible to receive a commercial driving licence and an initial CPC qualification card. Possessing both makes it possible to start looking for jobs in an industry that is now in desperate need of licenced professionals. Part of our HGV training in Powys is that of providing our students with the needed assistance to find and apply for work.

Training Close to Home

Why should you choose our HGV training in Powys when there are so many other choices? There are lots of reasons, beginning with the fact that there is likely an HGV Training Centre facility somewhere close to where you live. With more than four dozen training centres throughout the UK, training close to home is possible for most of our students.

Choosing us as your training partner means you will not be moving clear across the country while you seek to get your licence. It means you will not spend hours in the car commuting every morning, followed by several more hours getting home in the evening. Our sheer size makes training convenient regardless of where you live.

For the record, making it possible to train close to home has been one of our goals from the start. The HGV Training Centre was originally founded out of a desire to help address the current driver shortage by training as many new drivers as we possibly can. We have expanded at a remarkable rate in order to achieve this goal. We want to be a large organisation so that we can offer training close to home to as many drivers as possible.

Training That Delivers

Another reason to choose the HGV Training Centre as your partner is the simple fact that our training delivers results. What is the purpose of professional training? To prepare you to pass the four tests required by law. That is exactly what we do. More than 90% of our students pass their tests on the first try. That’s impressive, especially when you consider that the national pass rate for the LGV practical test is about 55%.

Drivers who train with us are trained according to the highest standards in the industry. Our quality training prepares students to pass the tests and go on to enjoy long and rewarding careers as professionals. Yes, we promise a lot at the HGV Training Centre. But we also deliver on those promises time and again.

Training You Can Afford

There is little debate that the cost of HGV training in the UK is prohibitive to some people who would otherwise register for it. Here at the HGV Training Centre, we continually strive to contain our costs so that we can keep our prices as low as possible. We do this in a number of ways.

First, we do not waste students’ time and money putting them through a long programme that includes unnecessary training. This allows us to completely train new drivers in just a few weeks, saving them money. Second, the size of our operations allows us to be efficient with our resources. This helps us to maintain our costs so that we can pass the savings onto our students.

Even with very competitive pricing, we know there are potential students who just do not have the money to undergo HGV training in Powys. We have that covered too. We work with a financing partner to make an affordable financing package available for every class we offer. Financing lets you undergo your training now while you pay for it over time. We are one of only a small handful of training companies offering this financing package.

You Can Do This

If you have ever considered a career as a professional driver, we want you to know one very important thing: you can do this. Hundreds of drivers successfully complete our training programmes every single month; you can be among them if you are willing to study and learn. We can help. Our HGV training in Powys is the kind of high-quality training you need to get your licence and get to work.

Please note that the HGV Training Centre utilises a fast-paced and intense training course that concentrates on teaching only those things you need to know for testing purposes. That said, we do not push drivers into testing if they are not ready for it. Instead, our instructors are trained to provide any extra help and support students need to overcome the challenges they may be facing. In the end, we want you to take your tests only once. We want you to pass on the first try so that no repetition is necessary.

You can become a professional driver if you have the desire and willingness to train hard. If you are ready to do so, contact us now and register for HGV training in Powys.

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


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