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Imagine having a job you actually enjoyed going to every day. Imagine a job that you found truly challenging, intriguing, and exciting all at the same time. If you are the kind of person who likes to travel regionally and locally, professional driving might be that job. Professional driving is an opportunity that gets you out and about every day while presenting you with constant challenges and exciting new experiences.

Our HGV training in Tayside can prepare you to become a professional lorry or bus driver in a matter of weeks. We offer comprehensive training along with additional services that will enable you to navigate through all the administrative issues that come with being professionally licenced. From our instructors to our support staff, everyone at the HGV Training Centre will be behind you 100%.

Be advised that professional driving is not a career for everyone. But it is for those who enjoy driving under different traffic and weather conditions. It is for those who do not like the idea of being cooped up in an office all day. It is certainly an excellent job for people who love to travel. With a commercial driving licence in your possession, you could see all of Europe and get paid while doing so! That is not possible when working in a warehouse or retail store.

Start Your Training Today

A question we hear a lot is one of how long it takes for training to get under way. In other words, people mistakenly believe that registering for HGV training in Tayside is similar to registering for university. You put in your application, wait for it to be approved, and then start making plans to attend school 4 to 6 months later. That’s not how HGV training works.

Tayside drivers training in HGV vehicles

Should you choose to call and register today, and we hope you will, we start the process right away. It is a process that should take no longer than six weeks in most cases. That means in less time than it takes to complete the application and approval process for university, you could obtain your commercial driving licence and your initial CPC qualification card.

Registering with us immediately gives you access to our support staff. We offer all new students the following, at minimum:

  • Answers – You will likely have a lot of questions as a new driver. Our support staff are available to answer those questions at any time. They can explain the testing process, paperwork requirements, how long different courses take, and so on.
  • Administrative Assistance – There is a lot that goes into applying for a commercial driving licence. For example, new drivers must apply for a provisional entitlement in order to undergo practical skills training. We offer administrative assistance in completing and submitting the necessary paperwork in a timely manner.
  • Paperwork Packets – Each of our new drivers receives two paperwork packets. The first packet pertains to the HGV medical exam, which is required in order to begin training. The second packet is the provisional entitlement information. It includes the actual application along with a few other things.
  • Practice Software – We furnish all new students in our training programme with an advanced software package designed to help them prepare for the HGV theory test. The software includes real questions taken from previous exams as well as numerous practice tests that drivers can take at home. Practicing increases the chances of passing when the student sits for the real thing.

The HGV Training Centre even goes so far as to book the necessary tests on behalf of each student. In your case, we will book your tests according to the schedule you happen to be on. For example, as soon as you receive your provisional entitlement in the post, we will immediately book and pay for your theory test. As you progress through practical skills training, we will book the other three tests you will eventually have to take.

We do this for our students in order to relieve them of the worries of administration. We want them to concentrate solely on their studies, not on all of the administrative tasks required by the government. We have found that assisting with those administrative tasks increases the likelihood that our students will pass each of their tests on the first attempt.

Our Pass Protection ‘Guarantee’

Registering for HGV training in Tayside can be a scary proposition if you are someone who has not tested well in school. We do not want you to worry. We have one of the highest first-time pass rates in all of the UK, consistently above 90%. Furthermore, our higher-than-average pass rates enable us to offer what we call ‘Pass Protection’.

What is pass protection? It is our commitment to students to have them fully prepared for each of the tests before we book them. Simply put, we will never push students into testing if either they or we are not fully confident they are well-positioned to pass. Any student not prepared for testing will be given extra help and support that will help them overcome whatever they are struggling with. Only when we are fully confident in your ability to pass will we book your tests.

As previously mentioned, our first-time pass rate is consistently above 90% across all of our training programmes. That is way better than average. For example, the average pass rate for the LGV practical test has hovered around 55% for the last few years. There have been some months in past years when the pass rate was closer to 45%.

The numbers clearly show that what we do works. Why would you go anywhere else to receive your HGV training when the HGV Training Centre delivers such excellent results? Quite frankly, we hope you do not go anywhere else.

How We Do It

There is no big secret to the way we successfully train our students. Indeed, we apply a training approach that takes advantage of the way most people naturally learn. Then we add a little speed to the equation in order to get our drivers licenced and working as quickly as possible.

Our training approach zeroes in on short-term memory and its benefits for learning and retaining information. You can think of what we do as comparable to teaching a child how to dress him/herself. Imagine parents teaching a toddler how to button a shirt. Those parents work with the child in short, concentrated bursts until he or she masters the task. They then move on to other articles of clothing, teaching the child how to put on each one properly. In no time at all the child is fully capable of independent dressing.

Our training approach is very similar. We start with the most basic concepts of professional driving. We give our students the opportunity to master those concepts, then immediately follow in quick succession with the next concept. Each concept is built upon the previous one in a process that results in learning all of the knowledge and skills required to pass the four tests of the CPC regimen.

We move quickly through our training programme in order to take advantage of short-term memory. In other words, the student need only ‘remember’ a concept long enough to plug it into the next one in line. The two concepts combined are then plugged into the third, and so on, and so on. Utilising this process virtually guarantees the student never forgets what is learned because each concept is linked to the next one to form a complete chain of learning.

We would love to have the opportunity to explain more about our HGV training in Tayside. If you are interested, simply call us on our freephone number or use our contact page. We are standing by to answer all of your questions about training and the driving career in general. If you are ready to register, we can get you started right away.

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


We are open Monday-Thursday 9am to 6pm and Friday 9am to 5:30pm

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