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COURSE IN West Yorkshire

For the best HGV training in West Yorkshire, look no further than the HGV Training Centre. We are the industry experts when it comes to offering superior tuition, as attested to by countless former clients and the DVLA (Driver & Vehicle Licensing Agency). Our tuition is not the only thing that contributes towards our magnificently efficient operations, though; it is everything else we do.

Tuition is the First

Although we are so much more than our tutors, we do place them at the core of everything we do. Our educators come from a diverse range of backgrounds and possess experience in both education and professional driving. We do everything we can to support those who work for us, and here are just some of the methods we use:

  • We listen to our instructors. If they have a query or a concern, they know we are always open to suggestions. Most of our revolutionary changes have come as a direct result of teachers coming to us about the issue.
  • We give them the power to teach how they please. If they spot a student who warrants a different approach to learning, they can adapt and change. In addition, we do not mind if they want to spend some extra time on one specific area.
  • We let them use what they like. Instead of a rigid curriculum, we give them guidelines and allow them to stick to the guidelines in whatever way they see fit. For example, if they do not want to use a highly specialised computer programme to help them educate, they do not have to.

Sucessful West Yorkshire LGV driving school on the roads


We see hundreds of learning providers throughout the UK that do not place enough emphasis on offering a good deal. It is partly because they cannot due to the way their organisation is set up and partly because they do not understand the value of it. We are different and we know how essential it is for both clients and employers alike.

One of the biggest groups of students we have in our HGV training in West Yorkshire is people who came at the behest of their employers. Now, this is down to the controls we put in to widen access. If our courses lasted for six months, as opposed to a week, and cost an arm and a leg this group would not exist. It is down to our commitment to accessible education that we can continue to do so much for employers and employees.

The main way we lower costs is simply by reducing the length of the course. It is a decision we took with delight since studies have shown how more intensive learning experiences are much more potent. Moreover, our decision was vindicated as pass rates soared whilst student costs decreased dramatically.

A Warm Welcome

Clients will not find a single algid staff member when they enter our facilities. Although we offer lots in terms of substance, we think the best thing we offer for our HGV training in West Yorkshire is a warm and understanding workforce. These people can identify with any student’s needs because they have been through it before. For a training provider who learners can relate to, get in touch with us today!

of HGV / LGV / PCV Training

HGV training Services (HGVT) trains over 200 people per month. We are the UK’s largest specialist vehicle training company, training for some of the UK’s biggest organisations.

  • Over 60 HGV Training Courses Centres across the UK
  • We train for some of the biggest organisations in the UK, including HSS Hire, Hackney Council, Enterprise PLC, DHL, the DWP and Job Centre Plus
  • Get your HGV driver licence in under a week
  • One of the highest pass rates in the UK
  • Access to 1000’s of jobs via our unique Jobs Portal
  • Super-competitive prices across the board - save £££’s with daily discounts.


We are open Monday-Thursday 9am to 6pm and Friday 9am to 5:30pm

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