Earning your bus driving licence indicates that you have received the proper training that will enable you to operate a coach or local bus on public roads. However, no amount of training could have prepared an American driver who was recently involved in a terrible accident in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is amazing the driver walked away without injury.

As reported by the Daily Mail and others, the middle-aged bus driver in question was travelling down an Albuquerque street when a silver pickup truck drove through a red light and hit the bus squarely on the side. The force of the impact sent the bus up over the kerb and directly into a concrete column standing almost two stories high. The driver, who was not wearing his seatbelt, was thrown through the windscreen upon impact.

A video of the incident shows the bus driver hanging onto the steering wheel for dear life as he goes head first through the windscreen. He was able to hold on tight enough to prevent himself from being fully ejected – an action that likely prevented what could have been a serious injury or possibly even his death. News reports say both drivers were fine, except for a few minor cuts and bruises.

The only criticism that could be levelled against the bus driver is the fact that he was not wearing his seatbelt. Other than that, the video appears to show he was driving his bus properly and safely. The driver of the silver pickup was in the wrong. As for the bus company and the city of Albuquerque, they are both fortunate there were no passengers on the bus at the time.

Accidents Will Happen

This amazing story and the accompanying video is a sobering reminder that accidents will happen, regardless of the amount of training professional drivers receive. That’s not to say training is not necessary, but just to point out that we do not live in a perfect world in which every accident can be prevented. Rather than diminishing the need for training, the story shows just how important it is.

In the accident video published by news outlets, it is clear to see that the bus driver put as much effort as he could into controlling his vehicle after being impacted by the pickup truck. His actions probably prevented the bus from going completely out of control and slamming into other cars on the road. The result was damage limited only to the bus, pickup truck and the concrete column.

The HGV Training Centre believes in the importance of high quality training for all professional drivers. Proper training prepares drivers, as much as possible, to properly respond to all sorts of emergency events – including serious crashes. We are proud of the training we offer those students who come to us to earn a bus driving licence. We are fully confident that our graduates are among the safest and best prepared on the road.


Daily Mail – https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2902146/Shocking-footage-shows-driver-flying-bus-windshield-hit-truck.html


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