The staff here at the HGV Training Centre has the privilege of working with all kinds of people who come to us looking for training. And because we train hundreds of people every month, we hear all sorts of questions as well. We thought we would take the occasion of this blog post to address one of the frequently asked questions we get from LGV trainees: what is LGV driving like?

We suspect the question comes from a desire to know what you will experience in the working world once training is complete. We get that. What you learn during training does not even begin to scratch the surface of what you will discover about yourself – and your work – after a few months on the job.

There is no way we can accurately describe LGV driving in a way that will cover every job out there. But we can talk about some of the general aspects of the profession. We will begin by addressing the three basic kinds of driving jobs available.

Local, Regional, Long-Haul

When you apply for your first LGV driver job, it will fall under one of three categories. The first is local driving. Local jobs involve multiple deliveries within a small geographic area and the promise of being home every evening. Next are regional jobs. These are jobs that may have you travelling within a specific region, typically near or in your region of residence, the South West for example. You may or may not be home every evening.

A third category is the one we most associate with LGV driving. It is a long-haul job that can have you travelling across the UK and pretty much all of Europe. Long-haul drivers make the most money but tend to be away from home for considerable stretches of time.

A Few Things to Consider

Professional driving is an excellent career choice for those who love it. But it’s not for everyone. If you have been wondering what LGV driving is like, you need to know it is nothing like working in an office or on a manufacturing line. Professional driving requires the ability to work independently, a willingness to endure a variety of weather conditions, the ability to drive in traffic, good organisational skills, and a fair amount of flexibility. It also requires a willingness to be away from home if you plan to take a long-haul job.

On the downside, professional driving can be lonely and frustrating at times. On the positive side, professional drivers enjoy a tremendous amount of freedom along with the ability to see new places and meet new people. You have to decide for yourself whether or not you have the personality and temperament to be a good driver.

What is LGV driving like? It’s hard to describe to someone who has never done it before. But that does not mean you shouldn’t ask. If you are planning to undergo LGV training, be sure to ask as many questions as you have.


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