If a UK lorry driver is found driving beyond the legally allowed limit on any given day, he or she can be issued a court summons to answer charges of driving while tired. In fact, UK courts hear these kinds of cases all the time. However, what about foreign drivers with no valid address in Britain? That is a problem, which is why the government is now considering spot fines for such drivers.

A consultation launched earlier this week will look at a number of proposals designed to address the problem of the foreign lorry driver exceeding time limits. According to Roads Minister Stephen Hammond, the idea of issuing spot fines is just one of the ideas being considered.

A spot fine is easier to enforce because it allows police officials to prevent a vehicle from continuing on its journey until the fine has been paid. Of course, that also assumes the driver stops for the mandatory rest period. The spot fine could also be issued in conjunction with a penalty for the company employing the offending driver. The combination of the two would make it far too risky to be caught driving beyond the legally allowed time.

According to Hammond, something needs to be done sooner rather than later. He has publicly stated that “tired drivers are more prone to accidents, which is why there are limits on the number of hours hauliers can drive.” Hammond also maintains that tired drivers are risking the safety of others on the roads.

Initiating spot fines against foreign lorry drivers seems to be something that does not require a lot of debate or consideration. It is a simple solution to an ongoing problem, and one that could be implemented very easily. We do not see any reason why the proposal would be rejected by policymakers.

A Rested Driver Is a Safe Driver

Regular readers of our blog know that the HGV Training Centre believes very strongly in driver safety. As such, we agree with Hammond’s assertion that a rested lorry driver is a safe driver. We are in full agreement with the principal of maintaining time limits in order to make sure drivers rest every day. It is one of the ways we make the roads safer.

If you are considering starting a career as a lorry driver, we would be happy to help. The HGV Training Centre provides high-quality commercial driver training to both individuals and company drivers. We can help you through every step of the process – from preparing for the theory test, to accompanying you to the practical skills test at the end of your training.

Our classes are affordable, conveniently located and provided by the best trainers in the business. Feel free to contact us as soon as you are ready to begin training. As long as you have a full car licence and can pass a routine medical exam, we can get you started on the road to your new career as a lorry driver right away.


Fleet News – http://www.fleetnews.co.uk/news/2014/6/17/spot-fines-for-foreign-hauliers-who-drive-tired/52710/


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