The Horse & Hound website, popular with UK horse and dog owners, is recommending horsebox owners plan their MOTs well in advance. The website says that in some places, like Swansea, the delay for completing MOTs can be up to 90 days. The backlog is blamed on a decision by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) to reduce the number of test centres it operates in the UK.

It is not clear whether the delays are affecting horsebox trailers or just HGV horseboxes. Horse & Hound interviewed one Amersham business owner who concentrates on maintaining and repairing older horseboxes. He says he is seeing longer than usual delays in booking horseboxes he has prepared at approved testing facilities. He went on to say that if the problem is not solved, there could be “hundreds of lorries driving around without an MOT.”

For their part, the DVSA acknowledges it is not completing horsebox MOTs as quickly as it would like. Many of the stations have only limited horsebox lanes available, with some being only open a couple of days per week. The agency is recommending owners book MOTs at least three months in advance in order to guarantee a timely completion.

Drivers found operating their vehicles without a proper MOT face fines and other penalties. If an accident should occur, lack of an MOT could nullify insurance, which, in turn, would invalidate any claims made by accident victims.

The Law Is the Law

As a company that also has to deal with the DVSA on a regular basis, we understand how frustrating it can be for horsebox owners who simply want an MOT so that they can drive legally. Yet unfortunately, there is nothing we can do at this time. The Law is the law. And until such time as the testing problem is resolved, horsebox owners must do whatever they can to make sure they remain in compliance.

The good news is that the HGV Training Centre offers high-quality horsebox training regardless of what the DVSA is doing with MOTs. Our training can prepares you to drive an HGV horsebox or a horsebox trailer with a compatible tow vehicle. We specialise in providing students with the training necessary to maintain safe operation at all times.

Here at the HGV Training Centre we pride ourselves in a training approach that teaches you what you need to know to pass your tests the first time. Keep in mind that operating a horsebox or horsebox trailer is somewhat unique due to the cargo being carried. Horses must be cared for in a specific way in order to maintain their health while travelling. This includes taking extra care when driving so as not to harm the animals either physically or emotionally.

We encourage you to consider training with us even if your horsebox trailer and tow vehicle combination do not require a special licence. We believe trained drivers are better drivers, and that makes for happier and healthier horses.


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