PCV driver training covers a lot of things, but theft by primates is not one of them. That’s too bad for one Spanish bus driver who recently found himself at odds with a monkey that had somehow managed to get into his window as he drove down the road. A video published by the Mirror and other news outlets shows the primate briefly entertaining the driver and his passengers before stealing the driver’s lunch and bolting out the window.

The fact that no accident or injuries resulted from the incident lets us laugh at the humorous video to some extent. What we cannot figure out is how the monkey got into the bus to begin with. Was the bus stopped at a junction for a brief time? Are monkeys a big problem in whatever area of Spain this bus was travelling through? These are all questions that we don’t have answers to, but questions that are intriguing nonetheless.

The published video gives the impression, at first, that the monkey was on the bus because the driver wanted it there. The driver even talks to the animal as though he is familiar with it. But when the theft of the driver’s lunch occurs, it is clear that the monkey was an uninvited guest who helped himself to food that did not belong to him. Passengers were obviously amused, but we assume the bus driver was less than pleased. Perhaps he might need to bring up the incident during his next round of PCV driver training.

Never a Dull Day

We appreciate the monkey video if for no other reason than it demonstrates there is never a dull day in the life of a professional driver. That’s one of the things that makes PCV and HGV driving so rewarding. Drivers have the opportunity to face new challenges on every shift, guaranteeing they will not be bored on the job.

As for the driver in the video, he is to be commended for not panicking over having a primate in his vehicle. We would like to think his PCV driver training had something to do with his calm demeanour, given that drivers are taught to maintain their composure and react sensibly during otherwise tense situations. The driver in this video was as calm as could be. Had he not been, the monkey could have been enough of a distraction to cause an accident.

If you have ever thought of becoming a professional bus driver, rest assured that you would likely go through your entire career without ever experiencing an incident like this. But if you did, you could rely on your PCV driver training to help you maintain a rational state of mind.

The HGV Training Centre offers PCV driver training alongside our training for HGVs and LGVs. Future coach and bus drivers receive the same high-quality training we provide to lorry and cargo van drivers. We invite you to contact the HGV Training Centre for more information.


  1. Mirror – https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/cheeky-monkey-gets-one-over-7300483


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