If tests of an automated lorry system in Sweden prove successful, it could mean a drastic change in truck driver training in the UK. The tests, currently being undertaken by Swedish lorry manufacturer Scania, are being monitored by officials from the Department for Transport (DfT).

Researchers are testing an automated system that involves convoys of 10 lorries being monitored and controlled by a lead vehicle as the entire group moves down the motorway. All of the LGVs are electronically connected through computers and a Wi-Fi link. The lead vehicle was essentially in control of the entire convoy while cameras on the other vehicles keep them in line and properly spaced.

DfT officials say positive results in Sweden could result in testing of the system on UK motorways as early as December. Proponents of the system say a program of this type could reduce accidents, increased traffic flow, and save significant amounts of fuel. However, there are some legitimate concerns.

Critics of the automated program are concerned about the potential for:

Even if the system is successfully tested in both Sweden and the UK, that does not mean we’ll start seeing long lines of lorry convoys motoring down the road. Before any of this could become a national standard, Europe’s governments would have to alter the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic, which currently prohibits automated driving systems.

Truck Driver Training

Assuming automated lorry systems do eventually become part of the European motorway landscape, what would it mean for truck driver training? That’s an interesting question given the fact that the current system still utilises individual drivers to steer their vehicles. The computers only control acceleration and braking.

We assume driver training would have to be modified to include both the skills necessary to use the system and strategies to avoid serious accidents in the event of a system breakdown. Drivers would also have to be trained how to stay focused.

While we wait for all of this to play out, the HGV Training Centre continues to provide comprehensive professional driver training in the UK. We train drivers for all types of vehicles including HGVs, PCVs, heavy construction equipment, forklifts, and more. We urge you to contact us today for all of your commercial driving needs.


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