Sleep apnoea is a serious and often debilitating condition that can make it dangerous to drive. For that reason, the Freight Transportation Association (FTA) has teamed up with the OSA Partnership Group to develop a CPC training module addressing the condition. The FTA says the module’s materials will be available to both members and non-members alike, free of charge. It hopes the addition of the module will make CPC Fleet driver training that much more effective, resulting in safer drivers and fewer accidents.

The NHS estimates that approximately 4% of adult men and 2% of adult women suffer from obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). The condition usually develops somewhere between age 30 and age 60. OSA has two varieties, both of which reduce or completely obstruct breathing for 5-10 seconds at a time. The condition causes breathing disruptions primarily during sleep.

OSA is a big problem for many reasons. First of all, it makes it difficult for individuals suffering from the condition to get enough restful sleep to maintain proper health. As a result, other health issues can crop up. Where HGV and PCV drivers are concerned, the dangers should be obvious.

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Lack of restful sleep makes it very difficult to put in a full day of driving free from careless mistakes and distractions. If the lack of sleep is severe enough, a driver could even fall asleep behind the wheel. We all know where that would lead. The fact is that OSA is something that should not be ignored by professional drivers. This is the main impetus behind developing the CPC training module. The FTA wants drivers to be fully informed so they are encouraged to get help if they need it.

CPC Training with Us

Until the module is completed and made available, we cannot say anything else about it. We assume the FTA and OSA Partnership Group will effectively address the topic in a way that is beneficial to drivers. Until then, we invite you to consider the HGV Training Centre for your CPC fleet driver training. We work with companies of all sizes throughout the UK, providing CPC training and certification that meets all regulatory requirements.

Individual drivers should consider training with us as well. If you earned your licence prior to 2009, you should have already completed your CPC training prior to the September 2014 deadline. Those who earned licences in 2009 or later should already be thinking about completing their next round of training.

The law stipulates CPC training and certification be completed every five years. That means someone who first earned an HGV licence in 2010 will have to undergo training and certification sometime in 2015. When does not really matter, as long as a new certificate is earned by the end of next year.

The HGV Training Centre offers affordable CPC training for both individuals and company drivers. Feel free to contact us for fleet driver training or individual instruction. We can help either way.


  1. NHS –


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