A waste management company in Hampshire has decided to put each of its drivers through additional HGV training that will hopefully prevent accidents with bicycles and motorbikes. The training, being offered to drivers of the TJ Group, is different from other cyclist awareness training programmes in that it does not focus on giving HGV drivers a new perspective of what cyclists see on the road. Instead, it is intended to make sure drivers can properly use cab sensor equipment installed in each of the company’s tipper and grabber trucks.

Cab sensor systems involve exterior sensors placed in strategic locations to cover a lorry’s blind spots. If a cyclist or motorbike occupies any space within range of the sensors, a warning alarm is sounded inside the cab of the truck. The driver can respond accordingly. However, the sensors do not work at every speed and angle. The new training is designed to help drivers understand when sensor systems are appropriate and when not. The company also want drivers to understand that sensors are not a substitute for paying attention.

One of the most common problems HGV drivers have with cyclists is related to making left-hand turns in busy urban environments. A cyclist may pull up alongside an HGV, completely unaware that the driver cannot see him or her. That driver then commences a left-hand turn right into the path of the cyclist.

According to the Daily Echo, HGVs and cyclists are engaged in more than 4,000 crashes every year. And unfortunately, cyclists often end up seriously injured if not killed. Anything that can be done to reduce the likelihood of these kinds of accidents is worth taking a serious look at. This includes additional HGV training above and beyond what is necessary for earning an initial licence or complying with CPC regulations.

Regular Training Helps

The HGV Training Centre is a big believer in remedial HGV training on a regular basis. Even the best drivers need to brush up on their skills from time to time, especially if they have gone for a significant amount of time without being involved in an accident. We believe it is better to train them than to risk driver complacency that could well contribute to a serious crash.

We offer HGV training to both owner-operators and fleet drivers alike. We can work with your company to design a remedial training programme most suited to your company’s needs. We can even include CPC driver training where necessary. And remember, the deadline for CPC training for all HGV drivers is this September. Do not wait too long before getting your drivers enrolled.

If you have not yet earned an HGV licence, you’ve come to the right place. We offer comprehensive HGV training that will ensure you are prepared to take your tests at the appropriate time. We will even send one of our trainers with you for your final test at a certified testing site. We are committed to helping you succeed as a commercial driver.


  1. Daily Echo – http://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/11149087.Firm___s_HGV_drivers_to_get_bike_training/


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