Too often, the only news stories we ever hear about HGVs is when there’s been some kind of accident like a low bridge collapse. This can give a skewed perspective of the safety of HGV driving, as well as the training and competence of the drivers themselves.

We’re used to training and supporting excellent drivers all over the country, so we know just how many conscientious, excellent HGV drivers are on our roads today and we think they deserve to have any good news stories celebrated properly.

Birmingham HGV Hero

A few days ago, one HGV driver in Birmingham was hailed as a hero because he stepped in and helped a schoolboy who was being bullied. The brave driver was stopped near a bus stop in his truck when he spotted the schoolboy (who was sat on his bike) being set upon by several older boys.

One grabbed him violently while another took the bike and appeared to be about to ride off on it. The unnamed driver ran out of his cab, intervened in the incident, and ensured that the boy who was being bullied was able to ride away on his bike unharmed and without being followed.

Source: Real Fights Caught on Camera Youtube channel

All of this was captured on the driver’s dashboard camera, which is more usually used to film any incidents on the roads. Speaking to HGV Dashcam Footage, he said: “I’m in slow moving traffic and I notice a young boy being held from behind in a choke hold. I first wonder if they are just messing around. However, the three lads looked older and then the tall one sucker-punches the young lad. I decide to get out. The third lad is trying to steal the young lads bike. By the time I approach I can see the lads are much larger than the young lad, in fact two were bigger than me, they are easily 18/19 years old. The choke-holder violently yanks the young lad away from his bike by the neck; meanwhile the tall one mounts the bike so I sprint over and hit him. I then shove the third guy and then turn and take on the choke-holder.

The young lad is turning white and is unsteady on his feet. I manage to get him behind myself and I use my best Glaswegian barks for them to *** off but the tall one goes behind us to get the bike again I presume. So I get the young lad (and his bike) over to my lorry.

Once out of shot (at passenger door) I offer to take him as passenger to nearest police station, but as it turns out one of his mates had ran off to get help and so a female family friend arrived soon after and took him to safety, it turns out he was only 15.”

This isn’t the first or only time an HGV driver has stepped in to help above and beyond the call of duty, and we doubt it will be the last so we’ll keep bringing you all the good news HGV stories.


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