The days of summer are quickly waning as we all begin thinking about a return to school and work. With a few weeks left before the resumption of autumn schedules, we expect families to take to the road with their trailers and caravans for one last shot at a holiday. The HGV Training Centre wants to remind you to be safe no matter where you go. If you are towing a caravan, keep in mind that it is never too late in the year for towing lessons.

Back in July, The Express provided its readers a list of safety tips for towing trailers. We thought it might be helpful to remind our readers of some of those tips as well.

1. Check Your Licence

If you earned your car licence prior to January 1, 1997, you should be fine towing the average caravan with your family car. If you earned your licence after that date, you are limited to a tow vehicle no heavier than 3,500 kg and a trailer of up to 750 kg. Anything heavier will require a B+E licence.

The HGV Training Centre can provide the training you need to pass your trailer-towing test. Furthermore, you can complete our training as quickly as possible. No theory test is required inasmuch as you already took the exam prior to training for your car licence. You need only complete our training class and then sign up for your B+E test.

2. Slow down When Driving

The number one enemy of trailer towing his speed. Whether you realise it or not, it is much harder to control a car/trailer combination at motorway speeds than it is to control a car alone. You also need more time to brake and more room to corner. The only way to do both safely is to slow down. Also, understand that speed limits are different for cars towing trailers. You are limited to 50 mph on carriageways and 60 mph on motorways.

3. Increase Your Space

In addition to slowing down, you also need to increase the space between your car and the car in front of you. The added weight of your trailer will require more distance to stop – even at slower speeds. Slamming on the brakes too hard can cause your trailer to jack-knife. This is a situation that could prove deadly, so give yourself plenty of room.

4. Check Mirrors and Lights

Lastly, check your mirrors and lights before every journey. You will need extended mirrors in order to get complete coverage all the way around your vehicle; your lights need to be working so that other drivers on the road can easily see you at a distance. Both mirrors and lights are essential safety features.

Please make sure you know what you are doing before you take your journey. If you need towing lessons, we can get you signed up and trained right away. It is never too late for training!


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