Irish Minister for Transport Leo Varadkar has proposed a one-month toll holiday for LGVs traveling in his country during November. The Minister has submitted a proposal in the hopes it will lure commercial trucks off the back roads and onto major motorways where they will be safer and more efficient.

If the plan is approved, the Irish government will cover the cost of the tolls to the tune of some €3 million. Varadkar specifically chose November because it is the busiest time for the haulage industry. In the month leading up to Christmas, more freight is transported across Irish roads than at any other time of the year.

The Irish government claims that much of the nation’s motorway system is underutilised by LGV drivers because they are not interested in paying the tolls. Mr Varadkar specifically cited the M1 near Drogheda and the M3 in and out of Dublin.

Two exceptions to the proposed toll break are the M50 and East-Link. Both of those roadways have seen an increase in traffic over the years. Varadka sees no reason that would justify suspension of tolls in these two cases.

Part of the Industry

Unfortunately, tolls are part of the haulage industry no one can escape from. Just a few days ago we reported on a story regarding the Tyne Tunnel and their proposed 28% hike on LGVs come January. And in Scotland, where residents are currently grappling with the question of total independence, the haulage industry will face higher road tolls should that become reality.

Haulage industry companies will continue to rally to prevent toll hikes and other charges that eat into their profits, but it’s not likely they will succeed on very many fronts. Meanwhile, LGV drivers can take some comfort in knowing that the companies they work for will absorb the cost of toll increases. Independent drivers will have to pass those costs on to the companies with whom they contract.

All of that aside, becoming an LGV driver is a wise choice for anyone looking to get started in career or switch to a new one. Government statistics suggest there will continue to be a shortage of licensed LGV drivers for years to come.

In order to work in the haulage industry a driver must earn an LGV licence. Fortunately, it’s neither difficult nor exceptionally time-consuming. With the help of a company like the HGV Training Centre, you could be searching for a job in as little as eight weeks. We’ll even help you with our up-to-date jobs database covering all of the existing openings throughout the country.

Our approach is fast-paced and intense, designed to make sure you learn all the material you need to pass your tests the first time. We can help you prepare for your theory test, then send one of our professionals with you to your practical skills test after your training is complete. Whatever it takes to get you on the road is what we’ll do.


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