A British lorry driver recently tracked down after a migrant was crushed under his trailer was likely unaware of the man’s death at the time it occurred, according to police officials. The driver did not stop at the scene of the accident because he did not know what had transpired as he pulled away from a stop. Unfortunately, the accident highlights the ongoing dangers migrants face when they attempt to illegally get into the UK by stowing away on lorries.

The BBC reports this latest accident occurred when two men from Sudan climbed under the trailer of a rig as it was waiting to cross into the UK. At some point on their journey, both men decided to climb down from the trailer after becoming cold. The now dead man fell underneath the wheels of the trailer and he was crushed as it moved off. The second man escaped uninjured.

At the time of the accident, traffic had come to a standstill on the M25. The surviving man had managed to free himself from the trailer and escape off the side of the road. The deceased man was not so lucky. A motorist who observed the accident stopped and pulled the man to the side of the road while a second alerted authorities. By the time paramedics arrived on the scene, the man was dead.

Ongoing Problems

There is no denying the fact that the migrant problem at Calais is not getting any better. As of November (2014), local officials estimated some 2,500 illegal migrants living in the area, waiting for the opportunity to climb underneath or into the back of an unlocked trailer. However, doing so is just the last step in a journey that is rife with perils from its onset.

Doctors of the World’s Nick Harvey told the BBC that many of the migrants waiting at Calais have faced a variety of dangers to get to the UK. They are willing to risk life and limb in order to make a better life for themselves in a country they believe is more attuned to their plight. Whether or not it is a risk worth taking depends on which side of the migrant question you are on.

As for the lorry driver, it does not appear at this time that he will face any charges. Such is not always the case. The law stipulates that drivers are ultimately responsible for their rigs and any passengers they carry. It is a driver’s responsibility to make sure his trailer is as secure as possible and, in the event stowaways are found, immediately stop and notify authorities. In this most recent case, there is little the driver could have done to avoid the unfortunate accident.

If you are considering becoming a professional lorry driver, please know that these types of incidents are the exception to the rule. Most drivers go their entire careers without experiencing anything like this. Do not let it discourage you from earning your lorry licence with the HGV Training Centre.


  1. BBC – https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-30460929


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