You do not necessarily have to be a kind-hearted person to complete your training and get a bus driving licence. You don’t even need to be kind to hold down a job. As long as you can drive safely and treat customers with a certain amount of respect, there are plenty of PCV jobs out there to be had. Thankfully there are drivers like Belfast’s Paul Doyle. Not only is he a great driver, but he is also kind-hearted at the same time.

The Daily Mail reports that Doyle recently purchased a warm coat and a bag of food for a homeless individual he happens to pass by routinely on his daily route. The man, shivering in only a T-shirt late last week, was presented the coat and food when Doyle stopped his bus in the city centre one night. Little did Doyle know that passengers took notice of his act of kindness. Pictures and stories eventually made it to the internet, making Doyle a folk hero of sorts.

Mr Doyle’s employer, Unite, addressed the incident through Metro driver representative Michael Dornan. Mr Dornan described Doyle as a “laid-back, reserved and quiet person” who is now embarrassed about all the attention he’s receiving. Dornan insisted Doyle did what he did as an act of sympathy for a young man he sees every day as he drives. Doyle never intended any of what he did to become public knowledge.

A Job Well Done

Mr Doyle may not have envisioned all of the publicity he is now getting for his act of kindness. But he is receiving it nonetheless, and we believe he deserves a ‘job well done’ from us here at the HGV Training Centre. Most of the time the news we hear about bus drivers relates to mistakes they have made or inappropriate things they’ve done. We do not hear wonderful stories like this that demonstrate the vast majority of the UK’s bus drivers are great human beings.

Driving a bus professionally is no easy job. Between bad weather, traffic, and unhappy passengers who are not afraid to verbally assault drivers, it takes a special kind of person to do what Doyle does every single day. We applaud him and his fellow bus drivers for the valuable service they provide in getting the rest of us where we need to go.

We don’t know where Mr Doyle trained when he was preparing to get his bus driving licence. We would like to think that his training provider helped instil in him some of the character he now demonstrates in the job. At any rate, the HGV Training Centre is proud to provide training for the bus driving licence. Our training programme is a fast-paced and intense one designed to prepare students to take and pass the required PCV test.

We train hundreds of drivers every month across all of our programmes. We would be interested in speaking to you as well. Your bus driving licence awaits.


  1. Daily Mail –


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