All the van driving training in the world couldn’t help a security guard who found himself locked out of his van on a busy London street recently. The unnamed driver became fodder for a YouTube video thanks to the efforts of a passer-by who recorded him by using a smart phone. The visibly embarrassed driver probably just wanted help to arrive so he could get on with his day.

The video opens by showing the driver with his arms folded across the bonnet of the Post Office van while the alarm blares loudly from what seems like every direction. However, this is no ordinary car alarm. This alarm comes complete with a voice instructing someone – anyone – to call police immediately. The alarm assumes the van is being burgled or vandalised by unknown parties.

The onlooker with the smart phone offered to call police in what is assumed to be a sarcastic attempt to egg on the driver. He goes on to ask the driver whether the vehicle is really under attack. As you might imagine, the driver becomes more visibly agitated as the encounter progresses. Fortunately for him, the video ends before we see the conclusion of events.

No official police reports were filed in relation to the incident. Therefore, we can assume all eventually ended well. We presume a technician or locksmith was sent to open the vehicle, allowing the driver to get on his way. However, he will be forever immortalised on YouTube thanks to a stranger with a smart phone.

All in A Day’s Work

Not everyone can say he or she has landed on YouTube after making an embarrassing mistake at work. That’s probably good. Nevertheless, it is important to point out that what the Post Office driver was going through is all in a day’s work. Locking oneself out of a van is quite common. In fact, locking yourself out of a passenger vehicle is pretty typical as well. We all get distracted by things from time to time to the point of leaving the keys in the car and locking the door behind us.

As inconvenient as the episode was, it was certainly not the end of the world for the driver. If you are a van driver, it should not be the end of your world either. Things happen. Rather than getting irritated and agitated, you are better off maintaining your cool until help arrives. Then just get back in your vehicle and get moving again.

At the HGV Training Centre, we can help you begin your career as a professional driver by providing van-driving training. Our training is conducted by experienced professionals capable of having you ready to pass your tests more quickly than you might imagine. Training with us could mean you are looking for work in a matter of weeks rather than months.

In addition to van driving training, we can train you for larger commercial vehicles as well. Contact us for more information.


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