We wrote a few months ago about a company that had developed a realistic HGV simulator capable of being used for individual training purposes. The simulator works much the same way a flight simulator works for training pilots. It turns out that the simulator in question was just the start. A new system is now being developed by BT Fleet that could revolutionise the future of fleet training across Europe.

The simulator we reported on previously is designed to replicate the HGV driving experience using a full-size seat, steering wheel, and multi-panel LCD. As you would imagine, this sort of set up could be rather expensive. It could also be cost-prohibitive to companies that prefer to handle their training. The new BT Fleet system uses a 3D headset and a set of smaller controls to provide a virtual experience at a fraction of the cost.

BT Fleet says its new simulator system is intended more for risk profiling and remedial training than to prepare new drivers just earning their licences. They can envision a day when companies would use the headset and associated software to improve their fleet training programmes, especially in the area of driver awareness and hazard avoidance. The system can be connected to telematics systems as well, enabling fleets to help their drivers learn to operate vehicles more fuel efficiently.

Also in the works at BT Feet is a virtual headset that can be linked to a smartphone app for the purposes of training drivers how to do better walk-around checks. The finished product may even be usable as a permanent tool for making sure every aspect of a walk-around check is carried out properly.

Better Training Equals Better Drivers

There is little doubt that the fleet training of the future will be shaped by technology. It is inevitable. Nevertheless, this is not a bad thing, as long as better training is the result. Devising newer and better training methods results in better drivers who are safer, more productive, more efficient and more intelligent. If simulators can help accomplish this, then they should be welcomed by the industry.

BT Fleet says it will be a few more years before its simulators are ready for market release. While they continue working to improve their systems, the HGV Training Centre will continue to offer fleet training to motoring companies of all sizes. Our training is just what your company needs to make sure drivers are always the best they can be.

In addition to fleet training, we also offer individual driver training for new drivers as well as ongoing CPC driver training for those who need to renew their five-year certificates. We train for all classes of commercial vehicles including articulated lorries, vans, tipper trucks, refuse trucks, buses, and coaches.

We invite you to inquire about individual or fleet training by contacting us through our website or by telephone. We can meet all of your training needs.


  1. Fleet News UK – http://www.fleetnews.co.uk/news/fleet-industry-news/2015/06/15/bt-fleet-to-launch-driving-simulator-training


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