An out-of-work father of two never dreamed he would have such difficulty finding a new job after his company downsized in early 2013. However, after spending an entire year looking for a full-time position, David Greene took up the pen and wrote to The Argus newspaper. His determination and writing skills combined with a bit of good fortune and it eventually landed him a new job as a PCV driver for Newport Transport.

The Argus featured Mr Green’s letter as part of a front-page story printed this past February. When officials at Newport Transport saw his letter, they contacted him and offered him an interview with a potential opportunity to train with them as a bus driver. Upon completing his training, Mr Green was offered a full-time position with the company.

Newport’s managing director, Scott Pearson, told Barry & District News that his company is always looking for individuals that have a positive attitude and are willing to work. Sometimes Newport Transport hires already licensed drivers with experience, while other times they prefer to hire those they can train themselves. It all depends on their needs at the time of hiring.

In the case of Mr Green, it was to Newport’s advantage to hire and train him themselves. They now have a loyal bus driver that has learned the business directly from an employer who saw fit to invest in him. The two are likely to have a mutually beneficial business relationship for years to come.

You Can Train Today

There are other companies just like Newport Transport in desperate need of commercial drivers. Individuals are needed in both the haulage and transport industries, operating everything from buses and coaches to articulated lorries. We encourage you to give serious consideration to becoming an HGV or PCV driver if you are in need of full-time work.

PCV drivers typically operate long-range tourist coaches and local and regional buses. They can work for companies like Newport, or be employed by municipalities operating their own Metro bus systems. As for HGV drivers, they are more apt to work for haulage companies tasked with moving freight around the UK.

Of course, commercial driving does not stop there. At the HGV Training Centre, we can also prepare you to operate heavy construction equipment, a horsebox or horsebox trailer, or even drive a forklift. The opportunities for commercial driving in the UK are wide open at this point.

In order to train to be a PCV driver you must first have a full car licence. If you do, and you can pass a routine physical exam, please get in touch with us right away. We will help you prepare for the PCV theory test and then provide you with all of the practical skills training you will need to earn your licence. Afterwards you will be able to take advantage of our up-to-date jobs database in order to find work. The HGV Training Centre wants to help you become a professional driver.


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