October 14-19 are the dates set for the 2014 Motorhome & Caravan Show at the NEC in Birmingham. The annual show, sponsored by the National Caravan Council (NCC), is one of the premier caravan events in the UK. All of the major manufacturers will be there, giving customers a view of the new 2015 models while hoping to entice them to trade up or buy their first caravan. We would urge anyone going to the event to keep trailer lessons in the back of their mind while looking at new units.

Caravanning has become increasingly popular in the UK over the last decade. Between limited travel budgets and a desire to see more of the British Isles and Western Europe, families are investing in caravans so that they can stay at home or on the near continent during holidays. The result has been an explosion in caravan parks and campgrounds across the country.

In the midst of all of this good news is the need for a reminder about road safety. The frequency and number of crashes on UK roads increases every spring at the start of the annual caravan season. Some of those crashes can be attributed to a lack of trailer towing experience. That is why it’s so important to learn how to tow properly before you first start, then continue with refresher courses every spring.

Towing a trailer is not the easiest thing in the world do. People do not realise that a caravan fully loaded with all of the equipment and supplies for a pleasant holiday adds substantial weight that the tow vehicle now has to handle. The extra weight requires significantly greater braking distances and the very real need to strictly regulate speed.

Trailer owners also need to be aware of equipment safety standards at all times. Pre-trip inspections are a must, including checking tyre pressure and lighting. Taking trailer lessons every spring is a good way to remind yourself of any of the safety standards you may have forgotten over the winter months.

We Offer Trailer Lessons

The HGV Training Centre is one of the leading providers of commercial driver training in the UK. However, did you also know that we offer trailer lessons for caravan owners? Indeed, we do. We can teach you how to safely operate your caravan or tow vehicle/trailer combination regardless of whether you need an enhanced licence or not.

We will teach you how to perform a proper pre-trip inspection, how to manoeuvre your caravan in tight spaces, how to hook and unhook your trailer safely, and how to regulate speed, corner safely and apply your brakes properly. Everything you need to make for a safe and enjoyable holiday will be learned in our classrooms.

Students who do need an enhanced licence for their tow vehicle/trailer combination will be accompanied by one of our trainers to the practical skills test. It is just one of the ways we give you the best training and support in the business.


Caravan Times – http://www.caravantimes.co.uk/video/caravan-shows/ncc-motorhome-caravan-show/gain-inspiration-and-advice-at-the-motorhome-and-caravan-show-2014-$21384642.htm


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