If you were to train for your van licence with the HGV Training Centre, it is highly unlikely your classes would involve dealing with a wild turkey exhibiting a bad attitude. Unfortunately, such a class might have been helpful to an American UPS driver who was videotaped being chased around a delivery van by a rather aggressive bird.

According to the Metro, the entire episode was captured on videotape and uploaded to YouTube. Overlooking the incident, taking place on a snowy Minnesota street, were members of the medical staff at a local hospital. It is fortunate for the driver that he was too far away for the camera to reveal his identity. Otherwise, he might not live down the embarrassment.

The video shows the driver trying to dispatch the turkey as the animal chases him around a FedEx truck. What is most amusing is that the driver works for UPS. After unsuccessfully dealing with the animal, it is finally chased away by the returning FedEx driver as his UPS counterpart escapes to the relative safety of his truck.

Fortunately, neither man nor beast was injured in the incident. The turkey eventually crossed the street and disappeared into the brush. There is no word on whether the UPS driver suffered any significant mental anguish that might result in time away from work.

Challenges Every Day

While the turkey in Minnesota does provide a few good laughs we can all enjoy, the truth of the matter is that van drivers endure multiple challenges every single day. Working as a professional van driver is not as easy as it would seem to the average motorist.

To begin with, van drivers must always contend with the weather – regardless of what it is. They must learn to drive in all sorts of weather conditions in a way that is both safe and productive.  Add to that the traffic generated by other motorists.

Between cars, motorbikes, cyclists and larger commercial vehicles, van drivers must be able to share the road with everyone while getting where they are going in a safe and timely manner. Moreover, in urban environments, it’s even more challenging due to heavier traffic flow and limited parking. The HGV Training Centre commends the army of van drivers making it possible to deliver light cargo all over the country.

If you are looking to begin your career or transition away from your current job, you’ll be happy to know there is plenty of work in the UK. We offer the comprehensive van licence training you need to embark on a new career as a professional driver.

The process to earn your van licence begins by contacting us using the phone number provided here on our website. New classes are forming all the time at more than 45 facilities across the country. We would be happy to get you enrolled as quickly as possible. Just think – you could be looking for work as a professional van driver in a matter of weeks.


Metro – http://metro.co.uk/2014/01/02/video-aggressive-turkey-chases-scared-delivery-man-around-his-van-4247149/


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